R02 World's Smallest Rider Ericsson-Hot Air Pumping Engine (R02)


The  mini Stirling engine model it is assembled from many fine small parts.  A cast brass flywheel is used on the main shaft, and the mounting base plate is made of solid wood

we could see straight away that the working geometry was similar to that of the Rider-Ericsson engines that we often see.

But that the mechanical configuration differed in that the flywheel was central of the engine as opposed to one side on

the RE and the beam was yoke type to accommodate the flywheel. 

As far as I know these are the smallest scale model Ericsson engines ever made -- until you make one smaller .

To start the engine, simply fill the gas tank with butane gas, turn on the gas valve switch, ignite the boiler under the engine, add about 80ml of water to the water tank, heat it for about a minute, and then start the engine by hand-cranking the flywheel.



.Name: R02

.Material: Brass + Stainless Steel + Aluminum

.Flywheel Diameter: 56mm 

.Start Method: Manual

.Product Weight: 1350g

.Product Dimensions: 120x 60x 150mm

.Ages: 16+.



.Stirling Engine Model * 1